Your mom and I joined our friends Kelley and Spenser for a march and rally through the State Capitol to support women's rights. The Women's March began as a small event planned in Washington, DC, but it quickly grew to involve many cities and towns throughout the country. The inauguration of the new President, Donald Trump, which had just happened the day before, has sparked a lot of concern and protests because of his record for being classically chauvinistic and callous towards women and essentially all minority groups. We already miss President Obama and his progressive, reasonable approach to politics. Trump seems to be a childish, impulsive, spiteful man, and much of the sentiment during the rally was strictly anti-Trump. Your mom and I couldn't agree more.
The march began in a park south of the Capitol Building, and I think many more people turned up than the organizers were expecting. The park was packed! And it took a while for the massive bunch to make their way onto the march route once the go-ahead was signaled. |
Each sign was unique and feeling. I loved this guy's dedication to his wife. Your mom is certainly the driving force in my life, and I hope that when we've been married 53 years, we can say a lot of these rights issues have become obsolete and resolved. |
The pink, woven cat ear hats were a staple throughout the crowd, as were signs lending support to other groups which Trump has targeted for rolling back their rights, particularly the LGBT community. |
The crowd was lively and your mom and Kelley were fired up! It was a powerful blend of protest and acceptance. You could tell you were surrounded by compassionate and motivated people sending a strong message but not getting violent or aggressive with it. |
As we paraded down the Capitol Mall, I was reminded of our March in March for education we did back in 2009. There'll always be a cause to support, and I was glad I came out for this one today. |
My favorite simple sign. It's really quite simple, after all. |
We listened to some powerful speeches which touted some classic cliches which bared repeating, anyways. I think almost 30,000 people showed up for this. It ended up being a landmark day with huge marches taking over many big cities. Supposedly over a million people showed up in Los Angeles! |
When the rally ended, we got some coffee and headed back to Spenser's place. In the coffee shop the protest feeling could still be felt all around. |
We celebrated that evening with some darts at the Bonn Lair, a wonderfully authentic English-styled pub near Spenser's home. We reflected on the day, discussed the precarious political situation the country seems to be in, and had some fun. All in all, it was a fantastic day which mobilized many. |